Worst is almost over ...

Thursday 18 August 2011

Voters Decaying Memory

'Voters place more weight on recent events than distant events from the past' - Nordhaus
This was under the political business cycle.
So what does it mean for us? We need to look at the whole election campign right from where it started. Lets put everything in the pot before we vote.

  1. MMD has been around for a long time – about 20years! In that 20 years, what have they done for the country? Why have they tarred the roads in your area now? And if you live in an area with a lot of bad roads, it will be roads that lead to the polling station. And that is what you should always remember, they have had money in all the 20 years. What happened to the money in the 19years they have been in power??? If they can do these roads now, they must have had a lot of money for themselves in the past 19years. So as you walk down the road to vote – remember only one thing, that road could have been done a long time ago. And done better, not this hurry job as a result of desparation! With a thin layer of tar to blanket the dusk which you have endured all these years. Some of the roads being worked on, was last done by Kaunda!!!

  2. Desparation of this kind means something is terribly wrong and they don't want someone to come and uncover it as they surely will be arrested. Lets give them that very thing they fear – prison! Lets make sure they are unsettled from the plans of hiding things before it is too late. Remember how things end up being covered and people found innocent after our courts and yet the British court found them guilty! All acts carried out by one George Kunda. Hunting on one end and freeing on the other. He must be made to pay also as he protect the thieves who he at one time chased in all ways. Chiluba was free in Zambian courts after Mwanawasa died! But was guilty in London court! What a mockery of justice! So now we must use our power to ensure that they pay as the desparate must have something to hide.

  3. Zambia is slowly being turned into the “Banda Enterprise”. Sons and daughters being found in all deals and in so many illegal things in the country. Zambia is bigger than any of the people in the Banda family both small and big. Its time for the people to speak. I know we have been given 10 possible choices with 9 alternatives to this “Enterprise”. But when you think about seriously, it only leaves 2 alternatives. HH with UPND and Sata with PF. I have not seen anything different from the UPND camp. Thats why even when they defect, they go back to MMD. So I have only one choice in that area. Moreover, I think it is funny that UPND people have never wanted change all this time since Mazoka died. He wanted change, but then all that remains either wants to side with MMD based on their own belief or they pretend to back the majority of the people. I don't believe there is anything Sata has done which would warranty all the State media and people to attack him like that! They lied about him supporting gays! They tried to arrest him for US $25,000.00 and yet they come and say he had received US $ 45,000,000.00!!!! They say they are democratic and he is a dictator! But MMD had people running away that they are “undemocratic” ways in the party. Including Mulongoti! UPND has the same, but none from PF. It even had MPs running and protect by the “speaker” as rebel MPs! So who is the evil bunch! They even insulted the catholic church which has more social responsibility and only second to Government itself under non-profit status. Did they apologise? NO! They instead paid someone, a catholic, to be insulting his own church!!! That takes away my vote as a catholic no matter what road they paint with tar!!!

  4. RB stood on a sympathy vote. And used Mwanawasa to win the people's hearts. The moment he came into power, he insulted every strength he got from Mwanawasa and even fought with the son. He un-did Mwanawasa's fights so fast we are still wondering who ever got arrested for corruption. Even the flats opposite ZESCO were given back to Chiluba and now are being fought for by the family. Zamtel was sold using under hand and under-feet methods to a family being fought my the world and the rebels of Libya! What nonsense is this to be voted back into power? Whoever thought it would be like that? I was one of the few. Now my first blog is so blocked I had to open another one. myzambian.blogspot.com has what I thought then which is the same today with just a serious direction now – Vote for PF and Sata!! I know he can work. And I'm one of the few who know, that 90% of the bad things you know about him, came from MMD and its supporters! Can you expect anything good from them about an opponent? He built MEZAF flats in Chilenje, they will never say so! He built the fountains on both Kafue round-about and Kabwe-round about, did they credit that! Even the fly-over bridge at ZESCO! What have they done? I will give you an example. At Chainama hospital, there was a poster of Mwanawasa and the Lusaka General hospital. When he died, it was quickly replaced with RB's face! In Kabwata, along Dr. Aggrey road and the road coming from the market, there is a 12x3m banner about “your government working and tarring roads”. Whoever votes for them based on that road is a fool! That road was untarred for a long time. Not even patched since Kaunda left. They don't need to broadcast what they are supposed to do! Who would respect a father who reminds his children that “I have paid your school fees, so I'm your best Dad!” You have paid my school fees because you are my Dad! Even my late Dad would never talk about that!

  5. The law of spliting votes. From the lot standing. Voting on MMD means you are stuck in the vicious circle of poverty and mind you they need to make you dance for all that they have paid to bribe you. ZRA has not even collected the money they used to buy those vehicles for campign. And yes, it means you want more and more corruption in this country.
    Voting for the 'others' who are not among the three (3) RB, HH and Sata means you are so ignorant, you can't stand home and you waste your vote and time standing to vote! So either stop reading this blog as your vote is not even worth talking about. Now of the three (3), I have explained why voting for RB confirms your desire for poverty, backwardness, corruption and failure to appreciate development, your lack of reason hence my dying effort to educate the little that is still in you that can make Zambia better by you changing to vote for another and not MMD. Voting for HH has two possible sides. You want change but are scared to move on so you just either vote for something similar to MMD or MMD itself. You miss the important aspects. You can't honest expect HH to rule? Not now? Not in 10years. He can't even organise his party!!! This is not business running, its a country. Your decision to switch to either change, or maintain MMD is in two ways. You voting for HH and RB results in the same! MMD wins and we go back to our usual poverty, shame, laughing stock of the region and so on. Maybe you are used to this! Because if you can vote for someone coming out third (3rd)! Your vote must mean nothing to you! You voting for Sata results in an upgrade! You make Sata win, and you win! The country wins! RB loses, Corruption losses! His sons are hambled! The MMD's waste of resources and selling of the country assets is checked and development wins! If you want HH to win, he has time to see how development is forced and he can then take a smooth ride like I have always expected!

  6. So UPND splitting of votes can only be checked as outlined above. May you think positively and make Zambia better!!!

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