Worst is almost over ...

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Mining Tax

Do you know that so far only one mine pays tax?

Kanseshi is the only tax payer? The rest has received so much tax holiday from the government it will take a very long time to get anything from them. Remember the 1billion kwacha? That came from only one mine!

So how come they don't pay taxes? Why would people call for windfall taxes when there is not even taxes being paid. The whole middle-income country status is meaningless as the money if sent out to the money owners without even paying taxes!

We need to make these people pay. Better yet, if the government was interested in the country, it would have put in place legislation to make these mines bring the money into the country and then take profits. Right now, money coming back after sells is just to pay suppliers and workers. MMD and Rupiah Banda have sold the country for a song! We need to make them pay and vote in a government that will clean this up. Right now, the only possible choice is PF. I have turned to support them as I have seen this is the only way we will move them from power through the vote. Lets make sure or else we will only have a chance like our brothers in Tunisia, Egypt or Libya! HH and the rest are just vote spoilers!

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