Worst is almost over ...

Friday 2 September 2011

They Rigged!!! Make Sure It Doesn't Happen This Time!!

It is now obvious to me that they rigged. No one confirmed or informed us that the IT equipment failure was that bad!

If the IT expert can go on and say, it failed and the serious implications resulted with some areas in the rural areas showing no spoilt votes - it is clear someone changed the results before we got them.

So now, we have to make sure they don't do that. God help us or they will create another Tunisia or Libya.

Finally wikileaks has come out to show us that they are needed and at the right time as we wait for the ballot boxes to come and we vote:

http://wikileaks.org/cable/2006/10/06LUSAKA1419.html has it all and more. Kindly read and be on guard in this election as we ensure PF stands and comes out victorious as it is what the people want and not what MMD wants.

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