Worst is almost over ...

Tuesday 6 September 2011

Lets Remember Rupiah's Corruption CV

  • Tribunal findings (reftel) that former Communications and Transport Minister Dora Siliya circumvented procurement procedures in awarding a two million dollar contract to RP Capital, a Cayman Islands based business (with no previous experience in financial valuation), to assess the assets of the parastatal telecom company, Zamtel; although she resigned from her ministerial position (not her parliamentary seat), Siliya has challenged the court finding; President Banda, who has stood beside Siliya even after the release of the tribunal findings, has not appointed a replacement minister, perhaps in the hopes that Siliya will win her appeal;
  • the GRZ's plan for a USD 53 million loan from EXIM Bank of China to acquire nine mobile hospitals from a Chinese company (in a single sourced, no bid contract); following strong objections from the donor community, which provides significant health sector support, the GRZ postponed (but did not cancel) its decision to move forward on this costly investment that does not figure into the government's health strategy or budget;
  • Allegations that former Ministry of Finance Permanent Secretary (and Zambia's new Ambassador to Japan and relative of Zambia's Ambassador to the United States) Wamundila Mbikusita Lewanika contracted a public financial management project to a company in which he has a personal interest;
  • Revelations that the GRZ committed over two trillion Kwacha (approximately USD 400 million) for road works in 2008, despite budget allocations of only Kwacha 750 billion; according to World Bank analysis, 65 percent of the bids were assigned to four contractors, primarily during the pre-election period (September and October 2008), when Banda served as Acting President; despite making payments on ten percent of these contracts, World Bank officials claim that the contractors have not undertaken the certified works;  
  • President Banda's inclusion of former President Chiluba (who was found liable for USD 41 million for abuse of office in a London court in May 2007 and who is the subject of an ongoing criminal case) and former First Lady Regina 
compiled with no permission from: http://wikileaks.org/cable/2009/05/09LUSAKA367.html

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