Worst is almost over ...

Saturday 17 September 2011

Rig This...

Rig This...

Time to make our final decision on the direction of Zambia has come. We have always stood up and shown a clear belief in doing the right thing and never gone to violence. I hope the blood that has been shed the past weeks will be the end of it all.

I have arrived safely in Zambia after years of staying away only coming to register and now to vote. I would like to thank all the people that kept me informed of the happenings and the few times that I came for business and even witnessed some political fights.

Now I have my final message on the issue of who to vote for. There are basically 2 candidates to think about for obvious reasons and your vote will make this work. Will anyone rig? Possibly... but we as a people decide if they rig or not. But the best way out is for us to rig the elections for ourselves. That way, we both happy and no blood will be spilt.

How can we rig? By working with only 2 candidates in the race. The riggers can only head in one direction if we decide. The worst possible rigging by the people is to allow the after-election rigging like in Egypt, Tunisia and please not Libya!

Our strategy:
  1. Rupiah Banda: If we are confortable with the way things are going and will go, as believe me, we will get more of that when he wins. His children running campigns will need to be paid for their efforts. So more road contracts. More trips on GRZ budget, etc. So if we that kid of life. We put our vote on him. Then we can expect more of their people enjoying the fruits of our beloved country. Even ZNBC will be financed by us for his personal interests.

    But if our aim is to change government, our rigging takes some thinking.
  2. Sata: He will get a higher vote than HH, probably even higher than RB. So your aim for change is better placed on him. HH will never beat Sata. Sata has a better following that HH and the others. He lost by 35,000 votes in the last elections. And that election included the sympathy vote and the other polictical parties who have since left his crew due to what we said was a bunch of lies and tricks. So are HH people still following the losing crew or will they put their vote where it matters the most? That would help tilt the balance. Moreover most people have fallen victim to the lies of MMD and its camp of de-facing Sata. To such extent that they have started believing what are straight lies. Who would in his own thinking be told PF brought in $45 million?? How can they do that? He was almost arrested for $2,000.00!!! What of $45,000,000.00? But look at the material MMD have used to print t-shirts, chitenges, caps, plates, billboards, Manda Hill bridge, etc. Not even Airtel can compete with such material, and yet they do it for business. I think MMD brought in more than $45million or they know how to use your money without asking you. How many have had their facebook accounts donated to MMD and RB's pocket??? How much has Airtel illegally given our privacy with MMD and RB smses? I got more MMD material lying about what they do than people used for their food and living in their homes!

Sorry but I think my mind is clear and will not be spoilt on HH again. My vote will not even be close to MMD (as I want them out and dead like UNIP). Actually they have now become totally UNIP and even carried over the blood shed. I out my vote for PF and Sata. I stand for change. And there, I expect change and not mere words. I have seen him work in Ministry of Health. UTH was far better in his time than any other time. Probably only beaten that day they built it. I have seen the MEZAF flats in Chilenje. I have seen the hospital he built. Now imagine him being the president and given a chance to build Zambia? Will not have this kid-stuff construction of roads that have sprung up with little care, done in a hurry in order to place an advert their "Your money at work", they should have correctly put it as "Your money being wasted" at least they would have been truthful!

So lets make our fight better than North Africa, by making it through the ballot. Vote for PF and Sata, vote for change and a better future for Zambia. Then we can go in and audit all the stolen money which is making them so desparate to win the election and hide their stealing. We can make them pay early and teach others a lesson for life. Not the same people who are supposed to make mines pay, get contracts with the mines and supply to them in such quantities they dare not make them pay taxes. Lets bring sanity to this country and make people respect working hard to get rewards that licking people's boots. Lets make MMD a closed chapter.

Thats how we can rig the election. Even if they rig the rural areas as people cannot really keep them in check, we can solidify Sata's lead by all of us voting for him and not any other person. A vote not placed on Sata is a vote placed on MMD - regardless of who takes it. Be it HH, Miyanda, and the other guys. All votes should be placed on Sata, then he will be assured of a lead. Forget alternatives. This is what has spoilt the votes in the past. Wake up Zambia and make your vote count for a change.

Friday 9 September 2011

MMD Violence!!!

MMD has been caught on Camera with the words

"Bring buses we crash them!" has anyone recorded MUVI TV news? I want to upload it so the doubting Thomas-es can see for themselves. I will hunt for that.

Vote wisely vote PF and Sata

Thursday 8 September 2011

MMD SMS campaigns!!!

MMD has really become desperate.

They have now started to send smses to people around Zambia. Rumor has it they have 2.1million numbers. How did they get the numbers?

One guess, which I think people should take note, is that, they obtained these numbers from mobile phone providers. So if we can team up and sue the companies, we can make cool cash!

But seriously I take a different stand. An sms costs K500.00. So for them to send to 2.1million numbers, they need K1,050,000,000 (1 billion, 50million kwachas!) Whose money is this? How much have they stolen to be so desperate. And this information is factual as it is spread by people I know have been paid to flood Facebook and many other social networks. If you have not spotted one MMD campaigner on your Facebook friend list, you are so lucky! Now all that billion is less the money they paid the Facebook team.

I think, as a People, we need to be asked to reveal our numbers to such people. And they should request on how they should use the money they get as tax payer.

Or a better way to get back. Inspire people to vote for the candidate you want through sms. The more people spread the word, the more inspired they will be to get back at MMD and make sure they beat them at the ballot!

I have a suggestion of the sms:

Your money has been wasted enough by RB and MMD. Vote wisely and take control of your country. Vote PF and Sata. From: tinyurl.com/zed4pf

Or to save your money. Reduce it to one SMS:-

Yo money has been wasted enough by MMD. Vote wisely and take control of yo country. Vote PF & Sata From: tinyurl.com/zed4pf

Tuesday 6 September 2011

Lets Remember Rupiah's Corruption CV

  • Tribunal findings (reftel) that former Communications and Transport Minister Dora Siliya circumvented procurement procedures in awarding a two million dollar contract to RP Capital, a Cayman Islands based business (with no previous experience in financial valuation), to assess the assets of the parastatal telecom company, Zamtel; although she resigned from her ministerial position (not her parliamentary seat), Siliya has challenged the court finding; President Banda, who has stood beside Siliya even after the release of the tribunal findings, has not appointed a replacement minister, perhaps in the hopes that Siliya will win her appeal;
  • the GRZ's plan for a USD 53 million loan from EXIM Bank of China to acquire nine mobile hospitals from a Chinese company (in a single sourced, no bid contract); following strong objections from the donor community, which provides significant health sector support, the GRZ postponed (but did not cancel) its decision to move forward on this costly investment that does not figure into the government's health strategy or budget;
  • Allegations that former Ministry of Finance Permanent Secretary (and Zambia's new Ambassador to Japan and relative of Zambia's Ambassador to the United States) Wamundila Mbikusita Lewanika contracted a public financial management project to a company in which he has a personal interest;
  • Revelations that the GRZ committed over two trillion Kwacha (approximately USD 400 million) for road works in 2008, despite budget allocations of only Kwacha 750 billion; according to World Bank analysis, 65 percent of the bids were assigned to four contractors, primarily during the pre-election period (September and October 2008), when Banda served as Acting President; despite making payments on ten percent of these contracts, World Bank officials claim that the contractors have not undertaken the certified works;  
  • President Banda's inclusion of former President Chiluba (who was found liable for USD 41 million for abuse of office in a London court in May 2007 and who is the subject of an ongoing criminal case) and former First Lady Regina 
compiled with no permission from: http://wikileaks.org/cable/2009/05/09LUSAKA367.html

UPND in Bed with MMD?

Last night I spent half of it calling and trying to get some infor on the news that UPND is in bed with MMD! Not that I was shocked. The UPND MPs that I have met on serveral occassions seem to be more comfortable with MMD than any change. They know it is impossible for them to be totally against MMD so I was not very shocked.

It was just hurting to think there was sense in this group of people for the next election. Can anyone tell me if NAREP will be better than them in 2016? I think this bunch has nothing to offer the Zambian. Who would think they would stand condemn a party they work with?

I must admit it is a classic ploy! You think there are in opposition, yet at night, they have pillow talk with MMD! What a bunch of lies! I feel so bad. Why did Mazoka die?

Who the Hell is William Banda?

Has this man got a heart for Zambia? Ever since I first saw the name, it has always been associated with violence. The little I gathered was that Chiluba even deported him to Malawi. So he must be from Malawi unless the law was bent on our side and on Malawi's side. Otherwise he is Malawian!

So how do we Zambians allow one tiny Malawian man to cause of this violence and enjoy the bloodshed associated with him? Who the hell is he to do all this and the law turns a blind eye to him! Why can't we cage him with bars so thick, even a  it has gravity of its own!

I think we are making ourselves cheap and useless by allowing such foreigners a roof over their head for them to be blood thirsty. For MMD to allow him to do such things, they must be either violent themselves, or foreigners or both! We need to get up and stand up as Zambians and put this man in his place or even his country. We are peaceful and generous, but I think this is working against the good of the nation in such situations! When someone has taken the food he has been given as a begger and bites the hand that feeds him, he should not only be caged, he should be made to live without the food. No one should just be deported without spending days as a convict in the prisons. They should live there long enough to learn from their mistakes!

So who the hell is William Banda from MMD?? What has he got that can make him be in charge of bloodshed and suffering of the owners of the land? Are we so docile we can be beaten in our own homes by foreigners? We should push the cops to arrest him if they can't do their job. If all else fails, citizens arrest is in order. Much as I think the judiciary plays the tunes for MMD, there should be one judge with morals to oversee the trial and lock him up before banning him from this country. Let him get back where he belongs! I so sick of this MMD violence and criminal activities. I think people should be locked up when they go against the order of the country.

Monday 5 September 2011

Failure to Plan is planning to fail

Problems of unplanned settlements

When you plan for something, you achieve it as you work your way on how it should be done and when it should be done and using which resources.

This is why to me planning forms a core to anything or project on embark on. I planned on what to say to my wife when I wanted her to be my girlfriend. I even planned how and when to get engaged, marry and have kids - if and only if, we are compatible from the start to the end. Therefore, I knew how to treat her. How to respect her as she was going to be the mother of my kids!

Now imagine how we messed this country. Chiluba came and got to be president without planning. He was surrounded by Zambia's cream in all sectors. The first 5 years were wonderful and only saw small mistakes. Then he felt the power and lost direction! Why? People around him may have planned, he never planned to rule so had no clue what ruling a country had in store for him! Result is the backward movement of this country from then. Just imagine if there was even a 50% planning (of the planning UNIP had in the 70s). With all those resources.

For RB its even worse! He was on the farm. You can do a small exercise and write down 10 things he was planning. If you are an upright person, ruling the country would be number 2000 on your list of just 10! He has no plan! Thats why he would do a road and put his face there "RB was here" ... oh sorry "Your money working". Which money? Did you ask me what I wanted to do with the money? I would never in my life choose that sub-standard re-dusting of the road, or mere painting it with tar! I want planned roads. Done with the most quality! Not this garbage from borrowed money. Commercial bank borrowing! For a so called economist! That's a shame. You crowd out the private sector which can use that money. You make future generations to pay the debt! Which economist would think so low! But that's the result of failure to plan!

This failure to plan has resulted in his sons taking over all businesses and even doing his adverts! I think we are a laughing stock of Africa. We need to find a leader that planned to rule. Because that alone makes him have a plan. All of the mines, how many are paying taxes?? Now imagine if a president compels them to pay what is due to the country and gets rid of this tax holiday on natural resources! How much can we be getting? How many roads would be constructed professionally and of quality? What would be the benefits?

These are the questions which make me move from the idea of thinking MMD will deliver anything for Zambia. I think looking at infrastructure and planning, UNIP was better. Now they plan on how they will rig the elections, defraud the Zambian people etc. And they do it well, but this will never develop Zambia or bring economic development. It will enrich a few connected to the powers that may be. How many of the chaps are on Facebook campaigning?? How many people do you see online with MMD "talk". Some of these are well known and a sudden change to support the powers they fought, is not shocking, its what money can do! They are selling the country for a few bucks to be online for two (2) months! What kind of future leaders are these! Desperation leads people to sell their soul. We have reached that stage in Zambia.

They have just turned Lusaka into an unplanned settlement!

I have only one vision. Not a perfect vision, but better than what is on the ground now. And believe me, I think anything better is better for me. I stand to proudly vote for PF and Sata as I think they have planned and I can see benefits from what they talk about. I don't want ZNBC, Daily Mail or Times of Zambia to get worse than the current state. I don't want to think of my country as a possible place I would live in. I want to plan on living here and educating my children here! MMD does not show me that. Infact they send all their children abroad and only come to get companies and milk the Zambian people of the little money they have. Shame!

Friday 2 September 2011

They Rigged!!! Make Sure It Doesn't Happen This Time!!

It is now obvious to me that they rigged. No one confirmed or informed us that the IT equipment failure was that bad!

If the IT expert can go on and say, it failed and the serious implications resulted with some areas in the rural areas showing no spoilt votes - it is clear someone changed the results before we got them.

So now, we have to make sure they don't do that. God help us or they will create another Tunisia or Libya.

Finally wikileaks has come out to show us that they are needed and at the right time as we wait for the ballot boxes to come and we vote:

http://wikileaks.org/cable/2006/10/06LUSAKA1419.html has it all and more. Kindly read and be on guard in this election as we ensure PF stands and comes out victorious as it is what the people want and not what MMD wants.

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Mining Tax

Do you know that so far only one mine pays tax?

Kanseshi is the only tax payer? The rest has received so much tax holiday from the government it will take a very long time to get anything from them. Remember the 1billion kwacha? That came from only one mine!

So how come they don't pay taxes? Why would people call for windfall taxes when there is not even taxes being paid. The whole middle-income country status is meaningless as the money if sent out to the money owners without even paying taxes!

We need to make these people pay. Better yet, if the government was interested in the country, it would have put in place legislation to make these mines bring the money into the country and then take profits. Right now, money coming back after sells is just to pay suppliers and workers. MMD and Rupiah Banda have sold the country for a song! We need to make them pay and vote in a government that will clean this up. Right now, the only possible choice is PF. I have turned to support them as I have seen this is the only way we will move them from power through the vote. Lets make sure or else we will only have a chance like our brothers in Tunisia, Egypt or Libya! HH and the rest are just vote spoilers!

Thursday 18 August 2011

Voters Decaying Memory

'Voters place more weight on recent events than distant events from the past' - Nordhaus
This was under the political business cycle.
So what does it mean for us? We need to look at the whole election campign right from where it started. Lets put everything in the pot before we vote.

  1. MMD has been around for a long time – about 20years! In that 20 years, what have they done for the country? Why have they tarred the roads in your area now? And if you live in an area with a lot of bad roads, it will be roads that lead to the polling station. And that is what you should always remember, they have had money in all the 20 years. What happened to the money in the 19years they have been in power??? If they can do these roads now, they must have had a lot of money for themselves in the past 19years. So as you walk down the road to vote – remember only one thing, that road could have been done a long time ago. And done better, not this hurry job as a result of desparation! With a thin layer of tar to blanket the dusk which you have endured all these years. Some of the roads being worked on, was last done by Kaunda!!!

  2. Desparation of this kind means something is terribly wrong and they don't want someone to come and uncover it as they surely will be arrested. Lets give them that very thing they fear – prison! Lets make sure they are unsettled from the plans of hiding things before it is too late. Remember how things end up being covered and people found innocent after our courts and yet the British court found them guilty! All acts carried out by one George Kunda. Hunting on one end and freeing on the other. He must be made to pay also as he protect the thieves who he at one time chased in all ways. Chiluba was free in Zambian courts after Mwanawasa died! But was guilty in London court! What a mockery of justice! So now we must use our power to ensure that they pay as the desparate must have something to hide.

  3. Zambia is slowly being turned into the “Banda Enterprise”. Sons and daughters being found in all deals and in so many illegal things in the country. Zambia is bigger than any of the people in the Banda family both small and big. Its time for the people to speak. I know we have been given 10 possible choices with 9 alternatives to this “Enterprise”. But when you think about seriously, it only leaves 2 alternatives. HH with UPND and Sata with PF. I have not seen anything different from the UPND camp. Thats why even when they defect, they go back to MMD. So I have only one choice in that area. Moreover, I think it is funny that UPND people have never wanted change all this time since Mazoka died. He wanted change, but then all that remains either wants to side with MMD based on their own belief or they pretend to back the majority of the people. I don't believe there is anything Sata has done which would warranty all the State media and people to attack him like that! They lied about him supporting gays! They tried to arrest him for US $25,000.00 and yet they come and say he had received US $ 45,000,000.00!!!! They say they are democratic and he is a dictator! But MMD had people running away that they are “undemocratic” ways in the party. Including Mulongoti! UPND has the same, but none from PF. It even had MPs running and protect by the “speaker” as rebel MPs! So who is the evil bunch! They even insulted the catholic church which has more social responsibility and only second to Government itself under non-profit status. Did they apologise? NO! They instead paid someone, a catholic, to be insulting his own church!!! That takes away my vote as a catholic no matter what road they paint with tar!!!

  4. RB stood on a sympathy vote. And used Mwanawasa to win the people's hearts. The moment he came into power, he insulted every strength he got from Mwanawasa and even fought with the son. He un-did Mwanawasa's fights so fast we are still wondering who ever got arrested for corruption. Even the flats opposite ZESCO were given back to Chiluba and now are being fought for by the family. Zamtel was sold using under hand and under-feet methods to a family being fought my the world and the rebels of Libya! What nonsense is this to be voted back into power? Whoever thought it would be like that? I was one of the few. Now my first blog is so blocked I had to open another one. myzambian.blogspot.com has what I thought then which is the same today with just a serious direction now – Vote for PF and Sata!! I know he can work. And I'm one of the few who know, that 90% of the bad things you know about him, came from MMD and its supporters! Can you expect anything good from them about an opponent? He built MEZAF flats in Chilenje, they will never say so! He built the fountains on both Kafue round-about and Kabwe-round about, did they credit that! Even the fly-over bridge at ZESCO! What have they done? I will give you an example. At Chainama hospital, there was a poster of Mwanawasa and the Lusaka General hospital. When he died, it was quickly replaced with RB's face! In Kabwata, along Dr. Aggrey road and the road coming from the market, there is a 12x3m banner about “your government working and tarring roads”. Whoever votes for them based on that road is a fool! That road was untarred for a long time. Not even patched since Kaunda left. They don't need to broadcast what they are supposed to do! Who would respect a father who reminds his children that “I have paid your school fees, so I'm your best Dad!” You have paid my school fees because you are my Dad! Even my late Dad would never talk about that!

  5. The law of spliting votes. From the lot standing. Voting on MMD means you are stuck in the vicious circle of poverty and mind you they need to make you dance for all that they have paid to bribe you. ZRA has not even collected the money they used to buy those vehicles for campign. And yes, it means you want more and more corruption in this country.
    Voting for the 'others' who are not among the three (3) RB, HH and Sata means you are so ignorant, you can't stand home and you waste your vote and time standing to vote! So either stop reading this blog as your vote is not even worth talking about. Now of the three (3), I have explained why voting for RB confirms your desire for poverty, backwardness, corruption and failure to appreciate development, your lack of reason hence my dying effort to educate the little that is still in you that can make Zambia better by you changing to vote for another and not MMD. Voting for HH has two possible sides. You want change but are scared to move on so you just either vote for something similar to MMD or MMD itself. You miss the important aspects. You can't honest expect HH to rule? Not now? Not in 10years. He can't even organise his party!!! This is not business running, its a country. Your decision to switch to either change, or maintain MMD is in two ways. You voting for HH and RB results in the same! MMD wins and we go back to our usual poverty, shame, laughing stock of the region and so on. Maybe you are used to this! Because if you can vote for someone coming out third (3rd)! Your vote must mean nothing to you! You voting for Sata results in an upgrade! You make Sata win, and you win! The country wins! RB loses, Corruption losses! His sons are hambled! The MMD's waste of resources and selling of the country assets is checked and development wins! If you want HH to win, he has time to see how development is forced and he can then take a smooth ride like I have always expected!

  6. So UPND splitting of votes can only be checked as outlined above. May you think positively and make Zambia better!!!

Saturday 13 August 2011

What have we done?!

I hate to see things get nasty like they usually do! We have an excuse of a constitution which was made by MMD. Now I believe anything at this point should be done in the interest of the nation. 

Sometimes, we do a good job. Most of the times, we have questions which cannot be answered. In most of these times, the people appointed to uphold the law - merely choose what they want to uphold!

Kaunda was found state-less at a critical time. I believe whoever was involved not only deserves to say to the Zambian people, but also needs to ask for forgiveness from Kaunda himself. So now since we setup that silly presendence, we need to do what is right at any given time. The people to uphold the law, need to do it in a way that will not only be fair, but also fair at the most prompt time. So is RB a true Zambian under the law to stand and be president? If he is not, he needs to avoid prison and the people connected to him too! Its that simple under the law. But the people we have “upholding” the law seem to be playing tricks with life and the nation. All these will be held responsible at one time or the other, more so if there is problems related to this status quo we have enjoyed all these years.

We need to take things that come like this serious always. Regardless of who brings it, because a lot more people are interested in that. I have no interest or regard of Kawimba as a person I should allow to do something good. But if there is any doubt whatsoever about the qualification of RB to be president. That issue should be handled and exhausted before people pack bags and move on. Its just the law. So a lawyer should respect that. A judge should make sure it is followed. Thats all!

So now, is RB qualified? Did he rule illegally? Those are questions that this case should have addressed but it didn't! Will it make it legal if he wins and they push their way with this? Will it stop people forcing their way to the streets if it calls for that? God save us! We need to be serious when such matters are important in maintaining sanity in the country. What have we done?

How can we remedy this issue? Those are questions that need to be asked. Its sad that after UNIP died politically, what they did in their end times is exactly what is happening now! MMD has become totally violent. They have taken over bustops with flags just like times of the 'mushanga sellers' and UNIP 'youths'! William Banda not concerned about the goodness of this country but hes own survival has been unleashed on the people. So what happens to him if an opposition party takes over? I hope they don't deport him. He should be cage so tightly his skin should be brushing the bars! He should be made to pay for the violence he brought into the country and the people that encouraged him should also he right beside and behind him.

Monday 8 August 2011

Road Works

MMD has come out with a real good show of what they could have done in the past 20years. I mean look at it this way. Each people complained that money is being misused! And we saw no maintenance of roads, buildings or any infrastructure. In 2011, without approval of parliament, they have started road works with no idea of the source of funds! Some say banks as far as ABSA in South Africa, UBA and even Standard Charttered bank here locally. But that is not an issue, it can only be known when they lose the elections and investigations carried out after all, that is public money which all of us Zambians will pay for or have paid for. No single donor has come out. Besides all the illegality of the issue, my concern is the works that have come out! 

If they have access to such money, which they are keeping secretly, what have they been having in the last 20years!!! How many roads could have been built by now? How many hospitals? How much was spent in bribes, oversea trips, personal misuse, etc! Thats is the only issue I have with the works. I think doing a cheap job after wasting alot of money should lead to people being punished. And yes, I know some of you have benefited from all these corrupt acts. I want you found and locked up if you did anything illegal - full stop. 

No single road was maintained in 20 years, and some of you have been fooled to even vote for MMD. Be practical and at least think with your brains. There is something fishy that would lead to road construction without parliament approval. More over, they said money was given to opposition MPs of these areas like Kabwata! If a government would give money to MPs for road works, do you think they would let him be witout being locked up for theft! How do people make such silly statements and no one follows them up? How does a government operate like that? Did they send the money to his bank account? Did they give him cash? 

Then the worst thing happened! They claimed PF received $45million from some Asian country. And some people believed it! Surely how can such money come into the country? They wanted to arrest and lock up Sata for $25,000.00!! Imagine if it was $1million! Now imagine $45million! I laughed at the foolishness of people believing that! Interestings, even educated people! Which bank would have half of Zambian's budget. How much would a dollar cost? Even governement only receives such money after 6 months for its budget operations! I would actually would vote for anyone who has half the money for the whole country's budget! Ni ma half!!!! 

How many roads would they donate? Which MMD took 20years to come and cheat voters over! I would like to see how people react to this cheap political buy out. For me its done and dusted! I'm voting for the opposition! I will make that logically as I now have done and can come out and say, I wouldn't vote for MMD for obvious reasons:
  1. They have done alot of harm to the country by even proving that in one year you can do some many roads, but did not do so for the 20years they were in power. Someone took that money and spent it. I want him found and locked up. IF he died throught their planning. He must be sent a letter to the grave to present on judgement day!

  2. They have cheapen me by thinking they can steal my vote so cheaply with a thin layer of a road. I don't even have a car to drive on! I want electricity the whole day and night for me to study and bring food to my future family - they have denied me that!

  3. They have brought a culture of dishonest and stealing both at home and at work. Back in Kaunda's days, someone who steals was locked up. Nowadays they steal and buy new cars which are cleared without paying taxes through ministries!

  4. I'm ashamed to live in a country which is starving but signing that we are peaceful so just shut-up! Angola was at war, so was Mozambique! But these are now far more advanced than Zambia! We dream of going to live in these countries and not the other way!

  5. They have turned institutions into president's pocket keepers! ZNBC is a waste of my money! I actually demand that people responsible should be locked are stealing public resources through supporting MMD!

  6. I look forward to a developed society, the reasons we changed UNIP is the same things that MMD is doing and bringing! I want a change of that.

  7. MMD is violent and pretends that other people are violent! Who attacks people? Who attacks reporters? Who puts up flags on all bus stops in Lusaka and chases anyone who shows support for opposition? Is this the democracy we wanted? Is this the leadership we wanted???!!!

  8. I want a society good enough for my children! I can't live in Canada forever! Home is home, so home should be better! And it can only be without MMD!

Friday 5 August 2011

Why HH Should not Stand in 2011

I love the man and expected him to be different from Zambian politicians like Mazoka was. Unfortunately, he has ended up being a mere third placed loser all the time! So what happened to this man?

I realized this was a case of one being so over-shadowed by issues which don't matter and a failure to see his time will come later. You can't shoot thieves with clean clothes! You need a full time packed gun. Then clean up the mess with a clean cloth - to say it in dramatic terms.
I love the comparison he always make with Obama, but seriously, Obama did not stand up and start saying we want people who are young to rule and the rest retire. He cam out with substance! That is the mere difference. Not I was one year old when this one started politics!

Here is the simple magic wand he should have used – logic! He can't beat Sata on any day. Maybe after this election he can beat him. But he stands to make sure if he doesn't win, at least Sata wont win. Seems a good idea to him. However, he misses the simplest logic in the arrangement. Hes standing and turning the tables does not go well with the people. This is because, that standing frustrates the people's desires and wishes.

I once told someone that HH will not rule, not because people hate him, but because he works against the people. HH has no right (like anyone else) to determine what people want! His desire should basically be (like all politicians) to offer himself to us, not determine who we should choose. This has been a big problem in Zambia. People stand and want to show people what the other person is, not what goodness they offer! Seriously!

People know what Sata did or did not know. MMD has politics of undressing every little dirt in a house. So for Sata to stand in elections and come out “second” means the people like him, regardless of what his age is, what he did in 1962, what work in did in 1978, etc! These are facts of life which people know about him. So it really does not work in HH's favour to tell us or remind us of the age or year Sata was born!

If HH wanted to rule this country, he can simply follow the easy steps and not make it impossible for him to rule.

  1. He should work with the people not against the people. If he withdrew from this race and fielded MPs, “in order to ensure MMD goes out of power”. Do you think he will fail to win the next election? Honestly by my own judgement, Sata cannot withdraw from an election to give chance to someone who lost to him. Can HH give Miyanda the chance? That simple logic is what led to the failure of the pact! The one simple thing which would have ensured HH and Sata in government. To me, they simply needed to look at this and make a binding contract to have HH as vice president for the whole 5years. That is how people work to ensure removal of a government. But HH thought he should over take Sata and stand. Sad news, he stands, he comes out third again, and loses popularity with the people. He even eliminates his own chances of taking power in the next elections. Typical Zambian politician. Look at Nevers Mumba – once regarded as the “next president”. He killed his party to be vice president and then got himself fired. Now he is a political begger! The same can be of HH.

  2. If the people want Sata and he does not want to be president, he can stand aside and wait. Unlike all these politicians, he can be a president for the next 15years if he wants. But he makes appear that he only has this chance! No wonder people get frustrated with him. He has followers yes! But he does not have all the people. Collectively with Sata, they have the people. But they have fallen to the tricks of MMD of divide and rule. Thats the problem.

  3. He has taken the blame for the failure of the pact. So he can do better by standing out. Surely people say Sata is arrogant and so on. When the pact died. HH was on the streets condemning Sata and the pppt on the failure. They on the other hand said, it is still working. We just have disagreements! Who seriously appeared mature! The people totally look at it and say he wanted power! Thats why the pact failed. Pppt came out of that with a clean slate.

  4. He should stand out of the noise. If people of the same grade are arguing, do you join them or stand out to show maturity and uniqueness? He has jumped in and has become part of the noise. For example, if he stands aside and later says, “People you want a leader, here I am”! For next elections, why would I not vote for him? Now he knows what he is talking about, but has no means of selling it! You can't talk economics! You can talk politics. Sata is talking politics, HH is an elite economist! Who would pull people to his side? Be honest to yourself!

  5. He should not think he lost because he is Tonga! Mazoka was Tonga, we all voted for him. Why? The answer to that will tell HH why he has not won an election up to now. And if not careful, will not win any.

  6. He should put interest of the country first and not his! Regardless of the ideas he has. People know and have seen Sata work. So if they want him to rule, there's something they have seen in him which they want. Be it a chance to stop MMD with a serious and tough person. A chance to lock up all those who messed the country up, a chance to give them a thorough re-adjustment in the country – whatever! They want him! So HH in having interest of the country, he should trust the people to make a choice and a better one at that by staying away!

  7. Age aint nothing but a number! HH should never think he will only be productive when he is young. I'm sure his Bachelor degree economics is further less of substance than his later works. Thats what it means. His work now, will be less than what the country will need him for. I follow all his talks and he should not think Kaunda did better things when he was young and in the early days of his rule. Kaunda gave the Zambians one thing no other president has ever done – FREE AND FAIR ELECTIONS. That was at the end of his rule. When he was over 60years! When we see Kaunda, we want to shake his hand not because of what he did in 1969, but because he was a states man in the last days. Do you think he would have failed to rig the elections? But he knew it benefits no one if he rigs and wins and yet the people lose. Thats why Chiluba never even came close to half the man Kaunda was. Can HH give us that?

  8. See himself as a hero! He will win by withdrawing. But him standing 4 elections and coming out third is not good for his record. He should be above that. Obama did not stand in three elections before he won – if that will help his comparison with him.

The day he will put these in his decisions, he will be a wiser man. And a president for sure. The day he will stand to win, not “even if I don't win I will ensure Sata wont win”. Seriously, you can't tell me we should vote for a man who grades himself as a “spoilure” just to make sure some else does not win!!! Be practical and principled for people to consider you worth of the seat.

If this election is lost for the people, regardless of you winning, someone will be a candidate to win 2016. So far you are the only candidate, but what you do between now and then, determines your chances. May God bless us all!!